Wednesday 13 July 2016



“…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Matt.4:4

Every living thing is sustained by something. Trees come from the ground and are sustained by the soil; Fishes are born in water and are being sustained by the same. The source of every living thing is also what sustains its livelihood. In other words, your source is your sustenance.
Jesus speaking in John 15:1-6, He said, “I am the vine, my father is the husband man and ye are the branches…without me, you can do nothing” [paraphrased].

Beloved, the soul (mind) and the spirit are sustained by what they are fed with. A man may be physically fit and strong but mentally bankrupt and spiritual ‘shrinked’. Now, the question is: what do feed your mind with? Information gets into the mind majorly via words, sight and touch (feelings). So what do you digest? What do you give room in your heart? Who do you give your “ear time”? What information is worthy of a space in your POWER HOUSE (mind)? A man is not different from his thoughts and as well not different from his content. It’s not just about what you profess, but what you possess?

As a Christian, you are sustained by the word of God. Physical food eaten in excess will empower the flesh and make the mind frail and incapacitated. Man shall not live by pleasures alone but by every word from God. Every word from God released to you is for your spiritual growth. Have you run short of Insight, Inspiration and creative ideas? Do you want to advance in your life and career? Then, go back to your source. If you must be alive mentally and spiritually, get CONNECTED to your source.
Remember, the world awaits your manifestation, your source determines what you digest; what you digest in your mind affects what you think; what you think affects how you live and how you live affects what you become. Your mind is your greatest asset; guard it against ‘cankerworms and Destiny killers’.

Don’t forget, you are solely responsible for the outcome of your life. You may blame your parents for yesterday but you have the priviledge of aligning your future in your own perspective. YOU ARE WHOM YOU THINK!
#See you at the Top!

Elijah I.C
IMPACT Life Platform

(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation) 

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