Saturday 16 July 2016


17th July, 2016.
TOPIC:                      WHO TOLD YOU?

“And he said, ‘who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat’? - Gen.3:11.

The difference between two different people is not majorly the facial outlook but mental disposition. What you know and have digested within you determines the outcome of your life. Idea could rule the world but Information controls the lives of men; hence what you know determines what you become. Many people have lived all through their lives with a certain mindset that has limited their growth and progress within a circumference because of what they have allowed in their minds. You can either progress or retrogress via the content of your mind. A man becomes whom he is first in his (IMAGE-NATION) mind before it manifests outwardly. So, permit me to say that the content of a man’s mind is who he is. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov.23:7).

Obviously, it is a proven fact that even from birth, what we hear and digest forms majorly the content of our minds. In a bid to probably become better, Adam and Eve were deceived via what they heard. Note that the bait used to shift them from their divine placement by God was “that their eyes will be opened (understanding) and they will be like God (dominion) and they will KNOW good and evil (knowledge)”- Gen.3:5. What an irony? These were actually the blessings given to them by God already, so when God came down, he asked “who told you, you were naked?” Nakedness is a state of Lack of knowledge, understanding and dominion.

Beloved, what have you heard? The strategy of the devil is still the same today. Promises of prosperity when its already your heritage in Christ? Whose report have you received and believed? No wonder Jesus said “And you shall know the truth and it shall set you free” (John 8:32). This is because man’s problem from the beginning has been knowledge. What have you heard about life, success and progress before now? Who told you, you cannot conceive or get that job? Have you believed the lies of the devil? Men who operate in the supernatural realm are not subject to scientific and natural laws (Gal.4:1-4) NIV.

There is no darkness anywhere; darkness is just absence of light. There is no mountain anywhere, our mountain is ignorance. Ignorance is the absence of light and darkness connotes slavery and limitations. They that KNOW their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan.11:32). Go through the word and discover what God has spoken concerning you. Don’t allow the same episode of Gen.3 happen to you because the devil has no new strategies, he only rebrands them. I see you breaking off that limitation today because of the light in his word in Jesus name.
Don’t settle for the less, you were meant for the top. Let nobody tell you what you are not. You’ve been made great and to dominate by the reason of Jesus death on the cross. Recover your placement in destiny. You don’t need much titles or big positions to make impact or be relevant in life. The fact is that you may not be very rich today, but the truth is that you are not poor. Digest only what God provides in his word. Live by the word, so you don’t mislead by the devil through our ignorance.
#See you at the Top!

Elijah I.C
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

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