Wednesday 13 July 2016


We live in a world’s system where everyone, I mean everybody looks for the next person to blame for the current happenings around them. A system where everyone seem to assign the balm to the next neighbor or ‘men in authority’; a system where almost nobody wants to take responsibility. The children blame the parents for not providing enough food, money or quality education. The parents in turn blame the children for not behaving well or performing up to their expectation. The wives blame the husbands for not providing sufficient resources for the family, whereas the husband blame the wives for not taking care of the ‘mess’ at home and being responsible for the ill behavior of their kids. Dear, you can, you can clean up the mess.
A man of God once said, “Your background is not the reason why your back should remain on the ground”. We all blame the government for virtually everything because you feel they are in charge; correct, they may be physically in charge but you can spiritually in charge of the affairs. Yes, the spiritual controls the physical. Daniel in the Holy Scriptures was relevant throughout the reign of four kings consecutively; none could rule effectively without consulting the wisdom of Daniel. He was in charge.  
A man who always complains about almost everything is a man who is mentally useless and does not know whom he is. Even though money answers all things (Ecc.10:19), money cannot solve everything. Yes, if not, Powerful kings would not seek for the “how” to solve a problem and rich men would not die on the bed of the best and most expensive hospitals in the world. Complains and much arguments about a thing will not proffer solutions to issues but creative ideas and constructive criticisms will. The whole world is in chaos and in desperate need of men with solutions, not men with ‘fat’ bank accounts. The world has seen the rise and fall of tall men, handsome and beautiful people, pretty and sexy ladies, huge and muscular men; men with tons of degrees and professional certificates; yet there is a serious quest for men with insight and solution to problems; Men who are mentally, spiritually and intellectually in charge.
No man is born empty, yes; you may be born naked but not empty. You may be born small in size but does not mean you will remain small. Your parents may be poor, doesn’t make you a ‘poor man’. Wise men will climb on the shoulders of their fathers to attain great heights but fools will repeat the same things their parents did and fall into the same mistake they made. Inside a very small palm fruit is a very big palm tree; so inside that small you lies the potential to change the world positively. People who became great are those who refuse to remain failures but took the risk. You may not have been born great but you can be made great. Your past may be dark and gloomy, but you create a bright future for yourself today. What you do today determines how your future would look like. “Your success lies in your daily routine”. You can create that mental picture today; what you see is what you possess.
Inside everyman (mind) is a nation. You create your world inside your mind’s drawing board, before you can bring it into manifestation. Your “Image-Nation”- Imagination determines the outcome of your future “nation”. What do you think? What do you imagine? What is your vision? You have in you what you need to change your world. Yes, you can. You may not be accountable for your birth place but you are absolutely responsible for your placement in life. What you see is what you think (ponder on), what you think is what you do (action), and what you do continually, determines what you will become.
Until you accept responsibility, your life will remain at the mercy of people and circumstances. An old song goes thus:
Everybody says that anybody could do,
All the better things somebody should do,
Everybody says that anybody should do,
Only good things that nobody did;

For, I’m too busy, so I’ll tell everybody,
The work needs be done by somebody,
It could be done anybody,
But, nobody, nobody, did…

Don’t be among the Everybody that will wait for Anybody, but be the Somebody that would dare what Nobody would do. Don’t blame Mum… Don’t blame Dad. Accept responsibility. Look inwards; think deeply, there is something only you can do. Everyone was born to solve a particular problem… ‘Your passion and the things you hate are a pointer to what you are born to solve’ (Mike Murdock). Believe in yourself. You can do it… Yes you can. The world awaits you!

Elijah I. C
Discover Yourself Youth Campaign (DYYC)
Restored Heart Foundation

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