Wednesday 13 July 2016


Eph. 5:18 “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess but filled with spirit…”

Everyone is controlled by an influence (Spirit); man is a tripartite being having a soul and Spirit living in a body. The controller or driver is the Spirit, even though the soul is the seat of emotions and decisions; the influence of the spirit dominates the mental disposition of that man. That is why an insane man filled with an evil spirit behaves abnormally. Now, the question is whose Spirit do you possess? Who is your driver? What propels your actions?

One indisputable fact is that some people are filled with the spirit of wine (Bacchus) instead of the spirit of God. Bacchus is the god of alcohol. The Greek call him Dionysus. He is the spirit of intoxication and he was the son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Semele. Bacchus is the Spirit that enslaves the soul of its victim with alcohol. The wise King said: “Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish...” Prov.31:6.  Alcohol is not for Kings but it enslaves a man. It redirects the soul (mind) to digest on vain things. “It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for rulers to crave beer, lest they forget what the law decrees” Prov.31:4-5 [paraphrased]. God cannot strive with Bacchus in your heart (Gen.6:3), its either you give him room or He goes away.

Many people say or act the way they wouldn’t want to under the influence of Bacchus. Many ladies have had sex with men they would have dreamed of; men have lost their jobs and wives, and lot more. It can blur the vision of a man and keep him in perpetual bondage. Bacchus will never allow you fulfill your glorious destiny. Do u still want be filling God's house with Bacchus spirit? Or allow the rightful owner (God) to possess His house? Your body is his temple (I Cor.3:17); flee from alcohol before it destroys   and drag you to hell. You may say, “I only take little, am being careful”, friend no matter its quantity, Bacchus is in charge. Stonewall Jackson said, “I am more afraid of alcohol than of all the bullets of the enemy”.

Are you tired of this slavery? Do you want to achieve God’s purpose for life? Then, there is hope for you. Jesus can set you free if you come to him today with whole heart. Do it now!

Anyanwu Marvis A.
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

More Enquiries: 07030226358, 08068859937

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