Wednesday 13 July 2016


10th - 16th July, 2016.
TOPIC:                      LIVE BEFORE YOU LEAVE
“Where is no vision, the people perish” Prov.29:18
Many have treaded this earth’s terrain; many are just entering while some others are leaving. The wise man in Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: “To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”. To everyman in existence, there is a purpose. I choose to define LIFE as LIVING IN FULFILLMENT [of Heaven’s] EXPECTATION. The actual meaning to life is unveiled when purpose is discovered. A man birthday is not the day he was born but the day he discovered his purpose for living. So, a man starts living the day he starts fulfilling the purpose of the manufacturer (God); for we are created for His pleasure (Rev.4:11). The world today is filled with ‘junk’ of people who are existing and occupying space without actually living. Many have entered the earth; ate, grew fat/big, obtained degrees, got married, had children and left the earth without actually living; whereas there are men whose name and impact cannot be erased from the sands of time. Mark Twain has it that “the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why”
The fastest way to die even before death meets you is to live a visionless and purposeless life (Elijah I.C)
God blessed man and gave him the mandate of dominating and cultivating the earth. The word ‘Cultivate’ means to bring the best out of something, so you must cultivate the earth, ‘Cultivate the people you’ve been placed in charge of. You may ask, what can I really do? I don’t have money; I am not in charge; but you something you can do, something in your hand. When Moses cried out to God, what was God’s response? “Why are you crying out to me? Exo.14:15. In Exo.4:2, he asked him, “What is your hand?” Life is only lived when you start using God’s deposit in you to affect other lives and make positive impact on earth.  
Satchel Paige said “Never let the odds keep you from pursuing what you know in your heart you were meant to do”. Life may not present you a platform of pleasantries but you can create one with God’s deposit in you. If you have discovered your purpose keep at it, don’t be discouraged, men will soon see it and associate with you. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears” – Les Brown.
Beloved, it’s time to take off the fears and start living; Life is short but impact made with that space will last forever. If we don’t stand for something, we are bound to fall for anything. So wake up and start living before it will be time for your departure. You can be the hero many would want to associate with. Don’t look at the crowd or friends who may not know where you are going. 20 friends may not be together for 20 years. Pull aside from the crowd first and discover your purpose, then they will come begging you sign an autograph. MAKE SURE YOU LIVE BEFORE YOU LEAVE.
#See You at the TOP!

Elijah I. C
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

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