Saturday 30 July 2016


31st July, 2016.
TOPIC:                      HEAVEN’S HEART CRY – Pt. 2 (KINGDOM RISK TAKERS)

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and THEY LOVED NOT THEIR LIVES UNTO THE DEATH” Rev. 12:11

The desire of our heavenly father is to have sons who will bear His direct image and be able to stand for him. Men, He (God) will not be ashamed to be called their Father (God) - Heb.11:16. True sons He can vouch for like he did to Job. Men He can boldly beat His chest vehemently to say like He talked of Abraham “I know that he will command his children after me” Gen.18:19 [paraphrased]. Most of us love quoting this scripture: “if God be for us, who then can be against us”- Rom.8:31; however, my question is how many of us can be (stand) for God? God will only stand for those who can stand boldly for Christ.
We have given the devil a chance to question God about our true identity as believers. You know he (the devil) is the accuser of the brethren, so he would say to the Father, “I thought you said this is your son? I thought you were boasting of this daughter of yours? Now, can you see how she is living now?”

Beloved, sometimes, you may assume no one is watching but you tend to easily forget that ‘spirits’ cannot be barred with walls and doors. The invisible eyes are watching. Even no one is standing for what is right in that office, will you dare to be the only one heaven can boast of in that office, family, school, etc. There is still a serious search for faithful sons who will bring praise and glory to the father through their lives.
In Mark 8:38, Jesus said, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the his father’s glory with the holy angels” Imagine, if Jesus before his father will shake his head negatively and say “hmmn…I don’t know this one”. Little wonder, Paul could boldly say “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believes…” Rom.1:16. A tree may not be necessarily known by its leaves and bark (outward appearances) but by the fruits (character), so you may profess to be a Christian by tongue but it is what you possess that speaks. Are you still afraid of what men will say? Still scared of losing that job if you don’t succumb? Still scared of being punished if you don’t say the truth? Hear what the disciples in the face of death said “…whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.”- Acts 4:19. If you must please the father and be relevant on this earth and hereafter, you must stand for the truth even in the face of death. You may think everyone is doing it, so let me join them, but I can tell you there are still “the seven thousand men who have not bowed unto Baal” – I kings 19:18. The likes of the 3 Hebrew boys (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) who could boldly look the fearful king in the eye and say “we are not careful to answer you in this matter, …even if God will not deliver us, we will not bow” – Dan.3:16- 18 [paraphrased]. Men like Joseph who had opportunity for ‘FREE SEX’ with fat allowances but saw it as Great wickedness  against God (Gen.39:9). Will you stand out like Prophet Micaiah who spoke the truth when it looked awkward and old fashioned to speak the truth (I kings 22:14). Can you say like Daniel, “I will not defile myself with the kings’ meat (Pleasures)?”- Dan.1:8. Beloved you can make it. You can make the heart of your father glad. You are the taste (salt) and light in that office; don’t allow yourself to be trampled upon by men. I will join the Hymn writer George Duffield Jr. to say “Stand up, Stand up for Jesus”. Can I tell you, God anointed Jesus much more because he loved righteousness and hated evil (Heb.1:9). Your love for righteousness places you on the path to honour and glory. All those colleagues who mock you for being the ‘Jew guy’ will come back to celebrate you for your integrity. Sleeping with your boss will not elevate you but make you lose your worth. Stand out for God and you’ll become the delight of our father in heaven. The top is your divine placement, don’t struggle for position. Your celebration is at hand.
#we’ll meet at the top.


Your Brother
Elijah Chukwudi I.
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

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