Saturday 30 July 2016


31st July, 2016.
TOPIC:                      HEAVEN’S HEART CRY – Pt. 2 (KINGDOM RISK TAKERS)

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and THEY LOVED NOT THEIR LIVES UNTO THE DEATH” Rev. 12:11

The desire of our heavenly father is to have sons who will bear His direct image and be able to stand for him. Men, He (God) will not be ashamed to be called their Father (God) - Heb.11:16. True sons He can vouch for like he did to Job. Men He can boldly beat His chest vehemently to say like He talked of Abraham “I know that he will command his children after me” Gen.18:19 [paraphrased]. Most of us love quoting this scripture: “if God be for us, who then can be against us”- Rom.8:31; however, my question is how many of us can be (stand) for God? God will only stand for those who can stand boldly for Christ.
We have given the devil a chance to question God about our true identity as believers. You know he (the devil) is the accuser of the brethren, so he would say to the Father, “I thought you said this is your son? I thought you were boasting of this daughter of yours? Now, can you see how she is living now?”

Beloved, sometimes, you may assume no one is watching but you tend to easily forget that ‘spirits’ cannot be barred with walls and doors. The invisible eyes are watching. Even no one is standing for what is right in that office, will you dare to be the only one heaven can boast of in that office, family, school, etc. There is still a serious search for faithful sons who will bring praise and glory to the father through their lives.
In Mark 8:38, Jesus said, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the his father’s glory with the holy angels” Imagine, if Jesus before his father will shake his head negatively and say “hmmn…I don’t know this one”. Little wonder, Paul could boldly say “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believes…” Rom.1:16. A tree may not be necessarily known by its leaves and bark (outward appearances) but by the fruits (character), so you may profess to be a Christian by tongue but it is what you possess that speaks. Are you still afraid of what men will say? Still scared of losing that job if you don’t succumb? Still scared of being punished if you don’t say the truth? Hear what the disciples in the face of death said “…whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.”- Acts 4:19. If you must please the father and be relevant on this earth and hereafter, you must stand for the truth even in the face of death. You may think everyone is doing it, so let me join them, but I can tell you there are still “the seven thousand men who have not bowed unto Baal” – I kings 19:18. The likes of the 3 Hebrew boys (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) who could boldly look the fearful king in the eye and say “we are not careful to answer you in this matter, …even if God will not deliver us, we will not bow” – Dan.3:16- 18 [paraphrased]. Men like Joseph who had opportunity for ‘FREE SEX’ with fat allowances but saw it as Great wickedness  against God (Gen.39:9). Will you stand out like Prophet Micaiah who spoke the truth when it looked awkward and old fashioned to speak the truth (I kings 22:14). Can you say like Daniel, “I will not defile myself with the kings’ meat (Pleasures)?”- Dan.1:8. Beloved you can make it. You can make the heart of your father glad. You are the taste (salt) and light in that office; don’t allow yourself to be trampled upon by men. I will join the Hymn writer George Duffield Jr. to say “Stand up, Stand up for Jesus”. Can I tell you, God anointed Jesus much more because he loved righteousness and hated evil (Heb.1:9). Your love for righteousness places you on the path to honour and glory. All those colleagues who mock you for being the ‘Jew guy’ will come back to celebrate you for your integrity. Sleeping with your boss will not elevate you but make you lose your worth. Stand out for God and you’ll become the delight of our father in heaven. The top is your divine placement, don’t struggle for position. Your celebration is at hand.
#we’ll meet at the top.


Your Brother
Elijah Chukwudi I.
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

Saturday 23 July 2016


24th July, 2016.
TOPIC:                      HEAVEN’S HEART CRY – Pt. 1

“My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, that I may answer him who reproaches me [as having failed in my parental duty]. Prov.27:11 – AMP.

All through the ages, generations and centuries; there has been a serious search in the heavens for true representatives. God has laid trust upon many and yet they failed him. He created man in HIS OWN IMAGE and LIKENESS bearing the same nature and glory (as at the beginning) but he (man) failed to represent him faithfully on earth. He made the heavens and the earth, His abode is heaven but the earth has he given to the sons of men, even though it’s His footstool (Isa.66:1). This search has been on and most times he only finds ‘one-man’ in a whole generation whom he can trust. In Genesis 6:6, the scriptures recorded that, “the Lord was grieved that he had made man on earth, and his heart was filled with pain” – NIV. Ah! I think I can really get a glimpse on how He felt ‘after lavishing many resources on this man? After such great love I poured out on him?’ His love was enormous that He did not give up on us, yes us, because we were in the loins of Adam when he sinned, and because He has engraved us in the palm of His hands, He couldn’t just forget us (Isa.49:15-16).

He still had to send His only beloved son Jesus to come in the likeness of men and die so that he may redeem us from the destruction of sin. Yes, he had to do all that for you, so that we can live for Him not as we want. We were bought with a price in order to glorify God in our body (I Cor. 6: 17-20).

Now, back to Prov.27:11 are you among those who have grieved his heart all these while? His heart is really grieved and he is still like a father pleading “please be wise, make my heart glad, that I may answer him who reproaches me”. Are you a true representative of your father (God)?
Before you were born, there was a round table discussion in heaven concerning you and at the end, he fixed you in that family, school, office and church so that you can represent him well. Will you fail him like others have done in the past or will you be faithful? Even before the devil, God made a boast about Job saying “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” – Job 1:8. Can God say that about you? Are you bearing his nature and glory? Are you still like God? Or have you forgotten his eyes were watching you when you told that lie; took that bribe, stole with biro (neatly)…? (Psa.33:13). Jesus is the first born among many brethren (Rom.8:29, Col.1:15), are you still among the family of sons?

In case you have you have messed up and have failed him, you can still return back now that you yet have the opportunity to do. It’s never too late to do the right thing. He loves you and will not be happy to see you rot in the fires of hell. Today as you have heard His voice, don’t harden your heart (Heb.3:15). You can make Him (God) proud today even in that office, family and school where He posted you. You can gladden His heart and live for Him.
If nothing could stop Jesus from laying down His life to save you, what is it that can stop you from giving Him your life? He loves passionately. Make the right decision today!

#See you at the Top!

Your Brother
Elijah Chukwudi I.
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

Saturday 16 July 2016


17th July, 2016.
TOPIC:                      WHO TOLD YOU?

“And he said, ‘who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat’? - Gen.3:11.

The difference between two different people is not majorly the facial outlook but mental disposition. What you know and have digested within you determines the outcome of your life. Idea could rule the world but Information controls the lives of men; hence what you know determines what you become. Many people have lived all through their lives with a certain mindset that has limited their growth and progress within a circumference because of what they have allowed in their minds. You can either progress or retrogress via the content of your mind. A man becomes whom he is first in his (IMAGE-NATION) mind before it manifests outwardly. So, permit me to say that the content of a man’s mind is who he is. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov.23:7).

Obviously, it is a proven fact that even from birth, what we hear and digest forms majorly the content of our minds. In a bid to probably become better, Adam and Eve were deceived via what they heard. Note that the bait used to shift them from their divine placement by God was “that their eyes will be opened (understanding) and they will be like God (dominion) and they will KNOW good and evil (knowledge)”- Gen.3:5. What an irony? These were actually the blessings given to them by God already, so when God came down, he asked “who told you, you were naked?” Nakedness is a state of Lack of knowledge, understanding and dominion.

Beloved, what have you heard? The strategy of the devil is still the same today. Promises of prosperity when its already your heritage in Christ? Whose report have you received and believed? No wonder Jesus said “And you shall know the truth and it shall set you free” (John 8:32). This is because man’s problem from the beginning has been knowledge. What have you heard about life, success and progress before now? Who told you, you cannot conceive or get that job? Have you believed the lies of the devil? Men who operate in the supernatural realm are not subject to scientific and natural laws (Gal.4:1-4) NIV.

There is no darkness anywhere; darkness is just absence of light. There is no mountain anywhere, our mountain is ignorance. Ignorance is the absence of light and darkness connotes slavery and limitations. They that KNOW their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan.11:32). Go through the word and discover what God has spoken concerning you. Don’t allow the same episode of Gen.3 happen to you because the devil has no new strategies, he only rebrands them. I see you breaking off that limitation today because of the light in his word in Jesus name.
Don’t settle for the less, you were meant for the top. Let nobody tell you what you are not. You’ve been made great and to dominate by the reason of Jesus death on the cross. Recover your placement in destiny. You don’t need much titles or big positions to make impact or be relevant in life. The fact is that you may not be very rich today, but the truth is that you are not poor. Digest only what God provides in his word. Live by the word, so you don’t mislead by the devil through our ignorance.
#See you at the Top!

Elijah I.C
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

Wednesday 13 July 2016



Eph. 5:18 “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess but filled with spirit…”

Everyone is controlled by an influence (Spirit); man is a tripartite being having a soul and Spirit living in a body. The controller or driver is the Spirit, even though the soul is the seat of emotions and decisions; the influence of the spirit dominates the mental disposition of that man. That is why an insane man filled with an evil spirit behaves abnormally. Now, the question is whose Spirit do you possess? Who is your driver? What propels your actions?

One indisputable fact is that some people are filled with the spirit of wine (Bacchus) instead of the spirit of God. Bacchus is the god of alcohol. The Greek call him Dionysus. He is the spirit of intoxication and he was the son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Semele. Bacchus is the Spirit that enslaves the soul of its victim with alcohol. The wise King said: “Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish...” Prov.31:6.  Alcohol is not for Kings but it enslaves a man. It redirects the soul (mind) to digest on vain things. “It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for rulers to crave beer, lest they forget what the law decrees” Prov.31:4-5 [paraphrased]. God cannot strive with Bacchus in your heart (Gen.6:3), its either you give him room or He goes away.

Many people say or act the way they wouldn’t want to under the influence of Bacchus. Many ladies have had sex with men they would have dreamed of; men have lost their jobs and wives, and lot more. It can blur the vision of a man and keep him in perpetual bondage. Bacchus will never allow you fulfill your glorious destiny. Do u still want be filling God's house with Bacchus spirit? Or allow the rightful owner (God) to possess His house? Your body is his temple (I Cor.3:17); flee from alcohol before it destroys   and drag you to hell. You may say, “I only take little, am being careful”, friend no matter its quantity, Bacchus is in charge. Stonewall Jackson said, “I am more afraid of alcohol than of all the bullets of the enemy”.

Are you tired of this slavery? Do you want to achieve God’s purpose for life? Then, there is hope for you. Jesus can set you free if you come to him today with whole heart. Do it now!

Anyanwu Marvis A.
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

More Enquiries: 07030226358, 08068859937



“And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, WHY SIT WE HERE UNTIL WE DIE?” 2 Kings 7:3

Just a little step of faith. Yes, and that’s it, your breakthrough is released right before you. Have you sat down for long in that state of joblessness, idleness and frustration? You have waited enough for ‘miracle manner’ from heaven? Complaining and blaming the economy of your nation or the world? Beloved, you can do something. The risk taken by four leprous men, whom everyone seemed to have written off, was what brought about the solution to Samaria’s problem. It’s not time to write yourself off and complain “I have nobody” like the man at the pool of Bethsaida for 38 years; it’s time to take a step. You are the solution, your family and nation is waiting for. You are the solution the world needs now. It’s time to think inwards, conceive that idea and work upon it. You can make a change. There is something, only you can do. Yes, surprised at that? – because you were created to solve a particular problem. ‘Creativity is the search for solution to problems’- Mike Murdock.
Friend, cheer up, you can do it. Act on that dream else it will remain a mirage. Look at the mirror, and tell the person you see there; “YOU ARE THE SOLUTION THE WORLD NEEDS NOW”. The world responds to ideas not men with tons of certificates or fat bank account.
Write the VISION; make it PLAIN that they that see it may RUN with it. (Hab.2:2) Paraphrased.
Enjoy a Beautiful week ahead… See you at the top!

Elijah Chukwudi
Author and Publisher
IMPACT life platform

(Media arm of Restored Heart Foundation)


We live in a world’s system where everyone, I mean everybody looks for the next person to blame for the current happenings around them. A system where everyone seem to assign the balm to the next neighbor or ‘men in authority’; a system where almost nobody wants to take responsibility. The children blame the parents for not providing enough food, money or quality education. The parents in turn blame the children for not behaving well or performing up to their expectation. The wives blame the husbands for not providing sufficient resources for the family, whereas the husband blame the wives for not taking care of the ‘mess’ at home and being responsible for the ill behavior of their kids. Dear, you can, you can clean up the mess.
A man of God once said, “Your background is not the reason why your back should remain on the ground”. We all blame the government for virtually everything because you feel they are in charge; correct, they may be physically in charge but you can spiritually in charge of the affairs. Yes, the spiritual controls the physical. Daniel in the Holy Scriptures was relevant throughout the reign of four kings consecutively; none could rule effectively without consulting the wisdom of Daniel. He was in charge.  
A man who always complains about almost everything is a man who is mentally useless and does not know whom he is. Even though money answers all things (Ecc.10:19), money cannot solve everything. Yes, if not, Powerful kings would not seek for the “how” to solve a problem and rich men would not die on the bed of the best and most expensive hospitals in the world. Complains and much arguments about a thing will not proffer solutions to issues but creative ideas and constructive criticisms will. The whole world is in chaos and in desperate need of men with solutions, not men with ‘fat’ bank accounts. The world has seen the rise and fall of tall men, handsome and beautiful people, pretty and sexy ladies, huge and muscular men; men with tons of degrees and professional certificates; yet there is a serious quest for men with insight and solution to problems; Men who are mentally, spiritually and intellectually in charge.
No man is born empty, yes; you may be born naked but not empty. You may be born small in size but does not mean you will remain small. Your parents may be poor, doesn’t make you a ‘poor man’. Wise men will climb on the shoulders of their fathers to attain great heights but fools will repeat the same things their parents did and fall into the same mistake they made. Inside a very small palm fruit is a very big palm tree; so inside that small you lies the potential to change the world positively. People who became great are those who refuse to remain failures but took the risk. You may not have been born great but you can be made great. Your past may be dark and gloomy, but you create a bright future for yourself today. What you do today determines how your future would look like. “Your success lies in your daily routine”. You can create that mental picture today; what you see is what you possess.
Inside everyman (mind) is a nation. You create your world inside your mind’s drawing board, before you can bring it into manifestation. Your “Image-Nation”- Imagination determines the outcome of your future “nation”. What do you think? What do you imagine? What is your vision? You have in you what you need to change your world. Yes, you can. You may not be accountable for your birth place but you are absolutely responsible for your placement in life. What you see is what you think (ponder on), what you think is what you do (action), and what you do continually, determines what you will become.
Until you accept responsibility, your life will remain at the mercy of people and circumstances. An old song goes thus:
Everybody says that anybody could do,
All the better things somebody should do,
Everybody says that anybody should do,
Only good things that nobody did;

For, I’m too busy, so I’ll tell everybody,
The work needs be done by somebody,
It could be done anybody,
But, nobody, nobody, did…

Don’t be among the Everybody that will wait for Anybody, but be the Somebody that would dare what Nobody would do. Don’t blame Mum… Don’t blame Dad. Accept responsibility. Look inwards; think deeply, there is something only you can do. Everyone was born to solve a particular problem… ‘Your passion and the things you hate are a pointer to what you are born to solve’ (Mike Murdock). Believe in yourself. You can do it… Yes you can. The world awaits you!

Elijah I. C
Discover Yourself Youth Campaign (DYYC)
Restored Heart Foundation



“…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Matt.4:4

Every living thing is sustained by something. Trees come from the ground and are sustained by the soil; Fishes are born in water and are being sustained by the same. The source of every living thing is also what sustains its livelihood. In other words, your source is your sustenance.
Jesus speaking in John 15:1-6, He said, “I am the vine, my father is the husband man and ye are the branches…without me, you can do nothing” [paraphrased].

Beloved, the soul (mind) and the spirit are sustained by what they are fed with. A man may be physically fit and strong but mentally bankrupt and spiritual ‘shrinked’. Now, the question is: what do feed your mind with? Information gets into the mind majorly via words, sight and touch (feelings). So what do you digest? What do you give room in your heart? Who do you give your “ear time”? What information is worthy of a space in your POWER HOUSE (mind)? A man is not different from his thoughts and as well not different from his content. It’s not just about what you profess, but what you possess?

As a Christian, you are sustained by the word of God. Physical food eaten in excess will empower the flesh and make the mind frail and incapacitated. Man shall not live by pleasures alone but by every word from God. Every word from God released to you is for your spiritual growth. Have you run short of Insight, Inspiration and creative ideas? Do you want to advance in your life and career? Then, go back to your source. If you must be alive mentally and spiritually, get CONNECTED to your source.
Remember, the world awaits your manifestation, your source determines what you digest; what you digest in your mind affects what you think; what you think affects how you live and how you live affects what you become. Your mind is your greatest asset; guard it against ‘cankerworms and Destiny killers’.

Don’t forget, you are solely responsible for the outcome of your life. You may blame your parents for yesterday but you have the priviledge of aligning your future in your own perspective. YOU ARE WHOM YOU THINK!
#See you at the Top!

Elijah I.C
IMPACT Life Platform

(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation) 


10th - 16th July, 2016.
TOPIC:                      LIVE BEFORE YOU LEAVE
“Where is no vision, the people perish” Prov.29:18
Many have treaded this earth’s terrain; many are just entering while some others are leaving. The wise man in Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: “To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”. To everyman in existence, there is a purpose. I choose to define LIFE as LIVING IN FULFILLMENT [of Heaven’s] EXPECTATION. The actual meaning to life is unveiled when purpose is discovered. A man birthday is not the day he was born but the day he discovered his purpose for living. So, a man starts living the day he starts fulfilling the purpose of the manufacturer (God); for we are created for His pleasure (Rev.4:11). The world today is filled with ‘junk’ of people who are existing and occupying space without actually living. Many have entered the earth; ate, grew fat/big, obtained degrees, got married, had children and left the earth without actually living; whereas there are men whose name and impact cannot be erased from the sands of time. Mark Twain has it that “the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why”
The fastest way to die even before death meets you is to live a visionless and purposeless life (Elijah I.C)
God blessed man and gave him the mandate of dominating and cultivating the earth. The word ‘Cultivate’ means to bring the best out of something, so you must cultivate the earth, ‘Cultivate the people you’ve been placed in charge of. You may ask, what can I really do? I don’t have money; I am not in charge; but you something you can do, something in your hand. When Moses cried out to God, what was God’s response? “Why are you crying out to me? Exo.14:15. In Exo.4:2, he asked him, “What is your hand?” Life is only lived when you start using God’s deposit in you to affect other lives and make positive impact on earth.  
Satchel Paige said “Never let the odds keep you from pursuing what you know in your heart you were meant to do”. Life may not present you a platform of pleasantries but you can create one with God’s deposit in you. If you have discovered your purpose keep at it, don’t be discouraged, men will soon see it and associate with you. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears” – Les Brown.
Beloved, it’s time to take off the fears and start living; Life is short but impact made with that space will last forever. If we don’t stand for something, we are bound to fall for anything. So wake up and start living before it will be time for your departure. You can be the hero many would want to associate with. Don’t look at the crowd or friends who may not know where you are going. 20 friends may not be together for 20 years. Pull aside from the crowd first and discover your purpose, then they will come begging you sign an autograph. MAKE SURE YOU LIVE BEFORE YOU LEAVE.
#See You at the TOP!

Elijah I. C
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media arm of Restored Heart Foundation)