Thursday 2 August 2018



This subject matter has brought lots of controversies between my medical friends/colleagues and I. Howbeit, I would love to point out from this article that sleep does not only refer to when a man is physically unconscious and in a place or time of rest but there is more to it. I would explain this in several perspectives.

Sleep is a state of unconsciousness unto which many destinies have sunk and drowned in unfulfillment. Sleep is a state of being powerless or lazy to move or act. It is the death bed of many destinies. Anyone who consciously chose the path of sleep is treading on a contrary pathway to his destiny. Anyone who sleeps when he ought to be awake and working is writing an invitation to his failure.  A man who sleeps loses control of his destiny; he is no longer in charge but ruled by circumstances and other people. Sleepers always fall prey to life’s circumstances because they weren’t active when they should have.

Many great destinies have drowned in the mire of sleep and some others have been stolen in their state of unconsciousness. The mind is the most active part of the human body and the greatest form of sleep is that of the mind - Physical awake but mentally and spiritually asleep. No great destiny is fulfilled on the bed of sleep, laziness and inaction. It is good, you have a great vision but there is a thief always with you waiting to steal it away if you give him room - now that is sleep.

Now, you must have known this calculation too well, that given 24 hours in a day we have an average 720 hours in a month (by 30 days) and 8760 hours in a year. So if you are 30 years old now, you have spent 262, 800 hours already.  This implies that if you sleep 8 hours a day, you spend 2920 hours in a year and 87600 hours in 30 years; that is you spent 10 good years of your life sleeping. Is this not alarming? So then I ask myself, what have done with my life that 10 years are already spent in sleep.

Now, don’t get me wrong, sleep is very good for the body, I can attest to that but do not sleep on your visions and dreams.
Before we proceed further, let us really describe what this sleep is all about.

For the purpose of this series (part 1), we’ll be considering just one aspect of this sleep.
This can also be said to be inaction, not willing or too lazy to act. This is one big area of sleep. Sleep here also is having a dream of vision without a drive.  Rev Newman said, “Every dream that lacks a drive will be drowned”. Sleep is having faith or a big vision without action. Sleep is having beautiful ideas without corresponding implementation. It is taking a strong decision with a corresponding action. Many of us having got beautiful ideas yet they lie in the dream state. God told Jeremiah,”Do not say, I am but a child” – Jer.   Many who ought to be great ended up following others to their destiny fulfillment living theirs fallow.

Beloved, have you got an idea from the Lord? Then get up, don’t sit praying alone, move out and do something, only then will God orders your steps to the right persons. Enough of your sleep mode, it is time to arise; it is time to awake from slumber. Procrastination is the son of sleep and both are destiny killers. They steal time and in turn steal your life because life is measured in time. The greatest currency on earth is time, so use this time now to buy your greatness. Continuous sleep invites the foe of failure.  A man who sleeps gives up his destiny without knowing. Sleep takes up what is in your hand without stress. It is a friendly foe; do not give him more access. It is full of pleasure but makes a fool of anyone who misuses it. In I Kings 3:20, we how the destiny [child] of a woman was exchange at the point of sleep.

Friend, you have given this thief enough of your time and life. It is time to arise, defeat him by taking some steps backed up with your faith. You are the master of your fate. Awake now!

[We shall continue in the next episode on this series… let’s keep in touch.]

I Love you…

Elijah Chukwudi I.
Impact Life Platform
+234 7030226358

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