Thursday 2 August 2018



Episode 1

It was the dawning of a Monday morning and just like every other day; the rays of sun had began to smile on the cold dark morning increasing its warmth and active mood. Vehicles had also began to greet each other with various sounds of horn giving rise to an unwelcomed cacophony that disturbed the peace of the quiet morning, waking up everyone who may have chosen to take some more dose of sleep – the usual rush of a Monday morning had just began.

Howbeit, amidst all these, Dave was still in bed, holding tight to the sheets, staying glued to his pillow as though to sniff life out of its inanimate body. Dave was engaged to beautiful and charming Kesha (his heart throb) whose glowing beauty and appearance was enough to cause an accident to a driver who may want to steadily peer through his mirror in consistent gaze of her.  Wedding was fixed for the next four (4) months and everyone preparation was on top gear. Both were committed members of a renowned Pentecostal church in Lagos and virtually everyone looked forward to their union as man and wife. They were the envy of many younger youths who also looked up to them as role models. But here comes the irony…

Dave and Kesha got so attracted to each other, that illicit and erotic talks stood paramount in all their discussions especially on WhatsApp. They eventually but secretly began to meet occasionally during weekends to have some fun and enjoy the food of the marriage bed before it was done. This however did not go down well with Dave as he always struggled and went back crying to God for mercy after each erotic escapade. He felt remorse and angry with himself each time it repeated but sincerely he loved Kesha from his heart and here he was not able to resist her ambience and juicy sop. No doubt, he had heard from God clearly and confirmed her as God’s will for him through so many sources but as it were was got so gripped in the thoughts of her smooth caress, succulent touch and sexy eyes. She was also a believer but couldn’t see herself escaping some erotic moments with him. “How could I have come to this point?” He’d always ask himself. He knew it wasn’t right meeting with her before official marital rites were performed but just couldn’t resist each other’s body. This went on severally for a long time even before wedding date was fixed, yet unknown to the church because they held them in high esteem and trust and revered them as unto mature Christian leaders which others look up to.

Episode 2

This Sunday night, they had another episode of erotic ecstasy and fun filled sex in Dave’s house. Kesha had gotten up very early before dawn so she could go home and prepare for work. She thought was tired and wanted to have some rest since because of the Sunday stress the previous day, so she allowed him take some more rest. She gave him a goodbye kiss on the forehead and dropped a note by his bed side. It read:

“Hello, my King, I know you must have had a stressful day yesterday after the workers training last night, so I didn’t bother to wake you. Well, just wanted to let you know that last night’s episode was a bomb; it was best ever. I can’t wait to enjoy the full never-ending package as your lawful wedded wife. Kisses… I love you baby. Please, do call me when you wake up, I’d love to hear your sweet voice”.

From your Queen

It was already 10am and Kesha never got any call from her sweetheart. What could have gone wrong? This is unlike him. He never calls anyone else each day until he had spoken with me despite his busy schedules… Hmm! This is not happening to me. ” Kesha said in a sad soliloquy. 4pm was past, yet no sign of his call. She then started calling him severally, yet no one picked up the phone. Worried and full of fear of uncertainty, she stood to go to his office. She asked the secretary and everyone in his immediate office, still there was no trace of him in his office that day and no message was sent to state his absence from work that day.
Strange thoughts began to flood through Kesha’s mind; did he have an accident on his way to work? Or was he trying to play some pranks on me? No, if he did what about his own office? Did he get an urgent from home and forgot his phone in the house and didn’t care to call me? No, the Dave I know can’t do that to me, she concluded. But why is he not picking calls from anyone? Full of weird thoughts and bewilderment, she made her last resort, which was to go check him in the house.

Viam! She drove off to his house, since she had a copy of the keys; she marched angrily straight to his bedroom, as though to catch him in the very act with another lady. Alas! Her thoughts were wrong, she met him at the same position she had left him in the morning firmly glued to his bed. Dave’s body was already cold, stiff and lifeless. He had passed on…

Episode 3

As he found himself standing in front of the man in white, the sight was not strange to him. He knew from the scriptures what follows men after death. Judgment stared him in the face and he already knew his fate. He could still remember vividly the episode of the previous night and deep down in his heart he knew he won’t escape hell. He could still remember all the privileges he had to stop his secret sinful life. The reality of his Christian walk dawned on him; he knew he was an hypocrite. Right there in his despair and tear full eyes, he kept on saying. “I thought I had some more time, Lord please have mercy on me” He cried uncontrollably for mercy and in a moment, these scriptures were read out audibly to him.
“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins” – Heb. 10:26

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” – Rom. 1:18

Ah! This was like a dart pierced through his heart. He knew he was doomed, yet he lifted up his voice and said, “Lord, for the sake of many like me on earth living in hypocrisy, let me go and speak to them, please Lord have mercy!”

Very low but continuously, his cry for mercy from inside the casket brought the burial program to a hold. The pastor wanted to be sure what he heard, and then it followed with a continuous bang from inside the box where he was laid. What could be happening? People asked. Then, with a speed of light, some young men rushed to open the coffin. Shouts of “He is alive, he is alive!” took over the terrain. Dave’s eyes were full of tears rolling down his cheeks as he gradually stood. Beckoning the rejoicing group to a halt with his hands, he said, “Please I have a message”. Gradually, one after the other, many young people, pastors and youths broken with tears filled the podium, making peace with God with a renewed repentance of heart, after his short speech. After he ended, he said, “please don’t be like I was, I thought I had more time to amend my ways, ‘behold now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2b. Then, he fell back and slept.

Behold, our breath as it were is an air that is given to us a privilege and we do not determine when it would be taken. Are you still struggling in sin? Still postponing your day of return to the Lord? You may not have more time – Do it now!

“And the Spirit and the bride say come…” Rev. 22:17

I Love you from my heart, together let’s gladden the heart of our father.

[We can pray with you and offer spiritual assistance to you where necessary, feel free to speak with us!]

With Love from

Elijah Chukwudi I.
Impact Life Platform
+234 7030226358

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