Friday 3 August 2018


(Yetunde’s Tales)

Episode 1 (Daddy’s Pain)

Unspeakable joy rent the air as Mum broke the ice with the news of her promotion at work. She was now the new Regional manager of Baker Nile insurance company with head office at Ikeja. It was time to party; everyone filled the air with unreserved smiles and shouts that could pass through the walls to put our next door neighbors into running into our apartment to see what was going on.

Was someone missing in this elated mood of ours? That’s true, mum answered as though she heard the sounds of my heart; where is your Dad she inquired as she walked through the passage into their bedroom to check for her husband.

Honey what is wrong? Aren’t you happy that I was promoted? She asked as she met her husband sitting on the bed worried as though it was sad news. Well, that could be case; to us it was a great news but not to my dad. “Not again Lola, not again” Daddy sighed as he continued. “Well, it’s good for you but do you consider the fact that you have a husband? Or don’t you remember that a man’s need is not only food? When will you have time to meet my emotional needs Lola? After working all day, you come home tired and you expect me to be happy that you were promoted eh? Maybe, you’d be sleeping at the office this time”. Well, congratulations Madam Regional Manager he said as he cynically let out a cheesy smile.

Honey, it’s not like that, please try to understand. I know the new office is far but I believe I should have more time now to attend to the family than before, Mum replied after taking in a deep breath. “You know Yetunde and her brother have to go good schools and we all cannot survive on just your salary.”

With a more mirthless smile mixed with little drops of tears, Dad replied, “Hmmm, I see Mrs. Bread Winner, so it’s because you are privileged to earn more money than I right? You’ve forgotten that I declined so many Job offers I got outside Lagos with mouthwatering salaries just because I wanted to be close to you and the kids…Huh? I see… No challenge, enjoy your new level, I’ll take care of myself.”

Well, I had tip toed behind mum as she walked into their bedroom in search of Dad, so I completely got the full gist as I eavesdropped on them. But that night, I couldn’t really sleep well. My joy had turned sour as I heard dad’s plight. As a young girl in secondary school, I could barely understand, but I knew he was in pain. But, did I really hear, “I’ll take care of myself?” how would he do that? Those words never left my mind as I lay down to sleep.

Episode 2 (Daddy’s Secret – My pain)

Days fled into weeks and everything seemed so normal in the house again until this beautiful afternoon. I had come home from visiting my friend and was expecting Dad at home. Walking through the sitting room to my room, I noticed Dad’s room was half open. Could he have come home by this time of the day? I just hope there’s no problem at work, I said is frightful soliloquy. As I peeped through partly open door, my eye ball almost gorged out of its socket because of the sight I beheld. Dad! I shouted in surprise as my bad dropped on the tiled floor. I ran out in shame to my room as I thought of what I saw. Yes, unbelievable but it was true, my dad was enjoying Porn and Masturbating. Could this be what he meant by taking care of himself? Hot still tears rolled down my chubby cheeks as I ruminated on the sight that filled my thoughts.

The day was almost breaking as the rooster had begun to announce the arrival of a new day. As usual mum had just left the house so as to beat Lagos traffic and get to the new office which was very far from home. She had to might up with the challenges of the new position, so work, work and work was all that occupied her mind. Still in my lying position trying to get over the gory sight of the previous day, I had the squeaky noise of my room door and the almost silent footsteps of someone gaining entrance into my room. “Korede, is that you?” Thinking it was by brother trying to play his usual pranks on me but I knew he was in boarding school. Then closer and closer the person and then sat on bed, by this time though the room was dark, I could see through the twilight permeating my room. It was Dad. What has he come to do in my dark room? I wondered as I sat up on my bed.

“Yetunde, I came to speak to you about what you saw yesterday. I didn’t want it to be an open discussion, that’s why I came to your room by this time” Dad narrated his pitiable experience with mum and explained he could do that to “ease off” – he said. I felt very sorry for him because I had loved my dad so much as a growing up girl.

Well, as he spoke he hands were already running through my body. He was silently but gradually caressing my body. Was I feeling something erotic for my dad? I couldn’t just explain. This was my first experience. Gosh! This was crazy… No, this was not happening… “No, please Dad stop this, don’t do this to me” I pleaded. I wanted to shout but he was all over me. “Don’t worry it won’t hurt, just be calm you’ll enjoy it, I know you love your dad to help him in need” Daddy said as he gently but eventually broke through my soft and tender labia folds. It sounded strange but it was true, my dad had broken my hymen.

I felt terrible. An experience I couldn’t explain and hate sharing but it happened. What came over me? How could I? Did this cure Dad’s cravings? Was that the end of my pain … I wished it was, Nah, it was just the beginning of my misery…

Ride along with me as I unveil more in other episodes… (Watch this space for more soon)

Elijah Chukwudi I.
(Impact Life Platform)

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