Thursday 2 August 2018



Episode 1
Friday night met them exhausted and tired from the day’s hustle. They seem to have been sapped of so much energy that it could be clearly displayed on their foreheads. Tosin could barely wait to have a warm shower; he hurriedly took his dinner, and without further ado, grabbed the sheets and drove off in his limo to Disney island like a semi-dead man in deep sleep. “Hmm, he even forgot to kiss me goodnight or conduct the night devotion before he slept” Dammy, his beautiful caring wife sighed.

The night was cold and really dark. Full of sudden fear and tension as the smiling warmth experienced by the sun gradually gave way for the frightening dark frown of the night with the moon no way in sight. The trees around their one-storey bungalow swung their leaves following the wind’s command making that terrifying sound blending with the quirk noise produced by nocturnal birds that even adults dread. Dammy had lost her sleep. Her day wasn’t funny for her combining house chores and work together, not leaving her six months pregnancy that did not allow smiles out of her chubby cheeks. Her fatigue and uneasiness climbed a higher peach in worse experience as her hubby who ought to have been her solace left her unattended. “What was actually happening? She couldn’t understand, could this labour pain? No, it can’t be, I’m only 24 weeks into this journey”. Dammy exhaled as she panted for breath. This was really unbearable.

Her loud shouts of Aye mi o! Honey help me, I am dying o! broke the silence of this dreadful night and tusk Tosin out of his dream land into reality. Dammy was already releasing red fluid from her body. “Ahh! This is just not happening again, what I have done to deserve this?” were Tosin’s words as he rushed to get the car keys while yet in his PJ. Tension had greeted the air as the electricity distribution company aided the tragic drama by putting out the power supply amidst this whole pandemic scene as though it was a planned deal to frustrate the peace of this beautiful home.

Holding her carefully with the assistance of a lighting source, Tosin put her in their Toyota Camry car. No sooner did the car roar to life, that Tosin pressed on the accelerator in frightful haste moving them to a nearby hospital. Emergency, Nurse Emergency! Tosin cried out as he beckoned on the medical personnel on the night shift to attend to his beloved Dammy.

Episode 2
Holding her hands to gently the nicely arrayed staircase of St. Mark’s hospital, Tosin led his best half into the reception. It was just one year after their honeymoon and the new experience of love was greeted with sudden pain.

In a quick succession, Dammy was placed on some intravenous fluids, normal saline and oxygen to resuscitate her failing breath. “You may have to stay here sir” one of the nurses beckoned on Tosin as they rolled Dammy into the theatre. “Oh God, Please save my Dammy, she’s all I’ve got. I can’t afford to lose her or our long baby, please Lord intervene” Tosin cried out in desperation and fear with his head bowed in grief.

Some hours had passed and Tosin had fallen asleep on the couch in the reception. A tap from Dr. Ken [the doctor handling Dammy’s case] restored him from his dream world. He wore a face that was difficult to predict the state of the words that would follow. “Please tell me everything is alright now, tell me she is fine now, please Doctor” Tosin said as he cleared his sleepy eyes while taking a firm grip on the doctor’s dress. “Mr Tosin, emm, you just have to calm down and be a man. Whatever has happened to your wife is not strange or new to us” [hot tears were already dripping down Tosin’s cheeks like a little lad as he heard those words]. “Sir, you have to put yourself together, I haven’t said anything yet to arouse those precious tears. Well, your wife is still alive but I’m afraid she’s got Bacterial Vaginosis, it’s an STI (sexually transmitted infection) that affects the uterus and total body system if not detected and handled early.

Coincidentally, its effect is more disastrous to ladies especially during pregnancy. The only way to save her life at this point is to get rid of the baby since it’s resulting in multiple complications even at 24 weeks of her pregnancy. So do we have your permission to go ahead sir? Mr. Tosin was already lost in thoughts. He was a bit relieved that his wife was still alive but something did not go down well with him. STI? How come? Where? When? His thoughts went so wild and wide. He didn’t know whether to blame Dammy for infidelity since he thought he did not have it, at least no visible signs. “Mr. Tosin” – Dr. Ken tapped again, when he discovered he wasn’t responding after several seconds of his question. Are you Ok?
Slowly with heaviness in his lips, Tosin replied, “Yes sir,  you can go on with the procedure, provided my wife will be safe”

The couple (Tosin & Dammy) had really fascinated about their expectant new baby. They both played and joked over how the baby would look like and who it would resemble more. This pregnancy brought lots of joy in their home as it was the only one that has lasted up to 24 weeks after several miscarriages.

Those thoughts were now like a mist driven by the wind beclouded with this new evil. “How did she get this STI? Ah! After all the innocence she played on me. So she has been pretending all these time? Kai, this is not fair, women are the same after all” Tosin mumbled in regretful soliloquy with a clinched fist as though he would break a wall.
“He pondered on these thoughts for some minutes before his earthly tabernacle demanded rest, so he slept off once again on the reception couch. What would he do to Dammy when she recovers?...

Stay tuned for episode 3… reply next to get the next episodes…

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