Saturday 4 August 2018


(Yetunde’s Tales)

Episode 1 (Daddy’s Pain)

Unspeakable joy rent the air as Mum broke the ice with the news of her promotion at work. She was now the new Regional manager of Baker Nile insurance company with head office at Ikeja. It was time to party; everyone filled the air with unreserved smiles and shouts that could pass through the walls to put our next door neighbors into running into our apartment to see what was going on.

Was someone missing in this elated mood of ours? That’s true, mum answered as though she heard the sounds of my heart; where is your Dad she inquired as she walked through the passage into their bedroom to check for her husband.

Honey what is wrong? Aren’t you happy that I was promoted? She asked as she met her husband sitting on the bed worried as though it was sad news. Well, that could be case; to us it was a great news but not to my dad. “Not again Lola, not again” Daddy sighed as he continued. “Well, it’s good for you but do you consider the fact that you have a husband? Or don’t you remember that a man’s need is not only food? When will you have time to meet my emotional needs Lola? After working all day, you come home tired and you expect me to be happy that you were promoted eh? Maybe, you’d be sleeping at the office this time”. Well, congratulations Madam Regional Manager he said as he cynically let out a cheesy smile.

Honey, it’s not like that, please try to understand. I know the new office is far but I believe I should have more time now to attend to the family than before, Mum replied after taking in a deep breath. “You know Yetunde and her brother have to go to good schools and we all cannot survive on just your salary.”

With a more mirthless smile mixed with little drops of tears, Dad replied, “Hmmm, I see Mrs. Bread Winner, so it’s because you are privileged to earn more money than I right? You’ve forgotten that I declined so many Job offers I got outside Lagos with mouthwatering salaries just because I wanted to be close to you and the kids…Huh? I see… No challenge, enjoy your new level, I’ll take care of myself.”

Well, I had tip toed behind mum as she walked into their bedroom in search of Dad, so I completely got the full gist as I eavesdropped on them. But that night, I couldn’t really sleep well. My joy had turned sour as I heard dad’s plight. As a young girl in secondary school, I could barely understand, but I knew he was in pain. But, did I really hear, “I’ll take care of myself?” how would he do that? Those words never left my mind as I lay down to sleep.
Episode 2 (Daddy’s Secret – My pain)

Days fled into weeks and everything seemed so normal in the house again until this beautiful afternoon. I had come home from visiting my friend and wasn’t expecting anyone at home. Walking through the sitting room to my room, I noticed Dad’s room was half open. Could he have come home by this time of the day? I just hope there’s no problem at work, I said in frightful soliloquy. As I peeped through the partly open door, my eye ball almost gorged out of its socket because of the sight I beheld. Dad! I shouted in surprise as my bag dropped on the tiled floor. I ran out in shame to my room as I thought of what I saw. Yes, unbelievable but it was true, my dad was enjoying Porn and Masturbating. Could this be what he meant by taking care of himself? Hot still tears rolled down my chubby cheeks as I ruminated on the sight that filled my thoughts.

The day was almost breaking as the rooster had begun to announce the arrival of a new day. As usual mum had just left the house so as to beat up Lagos traffic and get to the new office which was very far from home. She had to meet up with the challenges of the new position, so work, work and work was all that occupied her mind. Still in my lying position trying to get over the gory sight of the previous day, I heard the squeaky noise of my room door and the almost silent footsteps of someone gaining entrance into my room. “Korede, is that you?” Thinking it was my brother trying to play his usual pranks on me but I knew he was in boarding school. Then closer and closer the person came and then sat on bed, by this time though the room was dark, I could see through the twilight permeating my room. It was Dad. What has he come to do in my dark room? I wondered as I sat up on my bed.

“Yetunde, I came to speak to you about what you saw yesterday. I didn’t want it to be an open discussion, that’s why I came to your room by this time” Dad narrated his pitiable experience with mum and explained why he could do that to “ease off”. I felt very sorry for him because I had loved my dad so much as a growing up girl.

Well, as he spoke his hands were already running through my body. He was silently but gradually caressing my body. Was I feeling something erotic for my dad? I couldn’t just explain. This was my first experience. Gosh! This was crazy… No, this was not happening… “No, please Dad stop this, don’t do this to me” I pleaded. I wanted to shout but he was all over me. “Don’t worry it won’t hurt, just be calm you’ll enjoy it, I know you love your dad to help him in need” Daddy said as he gently but eventually broke through my soft and tender labia folds. It sounded strange but it was true, my dad had broken my hymen.

I felt terrible. An experience I couldn’t explain and hate sharing but it happened. What came over me? How could I? Did this cure Dad’s cravings? Was that the end of my pain … I wished it was, Nah, it was just the beginning of my misery…
Ride along with me as I unveil more in other episodes…

Episode 3 (My Misery)

Extreme fear and feeling of uncertainty greeted the air as this cold night in November, 2006 bore in its firm grip the beginning of another phase in my life. I’ve not experienced this feeling before but from my little knowledge in Biology, I could fairly tell what this was all about. I had long grown up to accept my fate which in this case was ill, as my once loving father used me severally to satisfy his urges in place of my mum. Well, you’ve got the right to call me names but at that point my feeble mind thought “it was nothing after all since we were same family”- [That was the lie Dad planted in my thoughts that disarmed my defensive garrison of self-worth and right discretion yet I didn’t know why I couldn’t tell mum, her unavailability notwithstanding]. Sleep fled from the perimeters of my room as the dreadful night was graced with the cacophony of fearful sounds by night birds and trees. I had vomited severally and had the feeling of nausea and aches. Hmmm… just as your thoughts would have rightly discerned; it’s true, I was carrying my dad’s seed.

Who could believe me? What if Dad denied me in the presence of my mum? Would I be able to stand and face my friends in school? This is actually weird and awful indeed. The stolen food I’ve been eating all these while had chocked me up. As you would imagine, pregnancy was not something a girl of my age could handle rightly but I had to brace up and face my errors.

Well, thank God I was not denied by my parents though not without so much tears, beatings and blame from my mum. I had become Dad’s mistress…she thought; a serious pain in her butt caused by her craze for her career and insatiable passion for more money. “Uhhmm, men and sex” she continued. “My friend was right after all, I only did not believe it could happen right under my nose. I had thought my husband was exceptional…Nah, nah, I was very wrong. If you don’t give them sexual satisfaction, they’ll sure get it from elsewhere. But not my poor daughter, not her…” she burst into tears as got lost in painful soliloquy. “This is all my fault…chai! Ayemi o! God!, this cannot be true… what have I done to myself? Damn it! Damn this nonsense job of mine” Mum exclaimed in her pain. Hmmm, it seems mum had begun to have some sense after all; well, but that was at the cost of my virginity.


No amount of tears could revert the hands of the clock. Abortion was not option as our family doctor had severely warned that it could take my life if I tried it because of my age and some medical peculiarities in my case. Days ran into weeks and weeks fled into months, and after my third trimester unprepared motherhood, Kayode was born. Of course, he was only told I was his elder sister as he grew up because we couldn’t bear another family disaster of keeping men away from marrying me when I was ripe for marriage because I had a child for my father.

Episode 4 (My broken pieces)

University of Lagos must have wrongly admitted a feminine terrorist in place of a student. I came in with a dire hatred for anyone with a dangling muscle between his legs, especially such as could not keep it within the confines of its sheath. My dad thought he had used me to satisfy his Eros but never knew he had deposited a seed of hatred in me since he could take advantage of my innocence at such tender age. Well, I got admission to study political science but I came in with a mission to annihilate older men who came around looking for young girls to mess up. I had nothing to protect after all, my dad had taken it all [I said to myself]. My weapons were my slender sexy body, my hands [trained to break the clavicle and spinal bones at one hit] and my laptop; this time I knew my way around the tricks of pregnancy.

In my 200 level, I had successfully and neatly [without trace] killed 30 men, made some impotent by squashing their balls and duped many. I had no friend, roommate or acquaintance except my laptop. I use my nude photos to entice men via some porn sites and have them book a meeting place where we could lick the honey pot. I lived in a big house well paid and furnished of course by some of my big fish. My car was not compared to that of any of my lecturers or colleagues because I drove the latest models. I got rich guys licking my feet at will but my days in tertiary school were a payback time for men, so none knew about my real name. I played my games clean and neat but ensured I took special care of my ‘new younger brother’ who was only surprised at the special treat. I only went home once in a year and spend no more than two days because I’ve got some business to attend to in UNILAG.

I hated the word “love” but only used it as a bait to get down my clients. I never allowed younger boys to come near me because to me, they were just little brats with a tiny thing that got nothing to offer me; but this particular handsome caught my eye. Well, I thought he was like one of those “sex hungry” guys who wanted to “ease off” so I saw another little chap dancing at the entrance of the lioness’ den but I was wrong- Chidi was different.

Episode 5 (My Turning Point)

What has this guy got that I can’t take my mind off him? Besides, the thought of marriage was one of the worst things I would want to hear. My life was in a mess and all I wanted was to payback the wickedness of men.

After much appeal and calls from this guy to take me out, I decided to oblige on this special day. As I approached the address he gave me, I began to hear a particular song. Could this be a church or what? Gosh! I had long hated God because I felt he too was wicked for allowing my Dad take advantage of me, so church was not even a place to go. But this song kept piercing through my heart as I moved closer. I couldn’t tell the force that kept pulling me till I entered that hall. As I write this, that song still rings freshly in my mind. The song leader kept repeating this line of the song:

“The potter wants to put you back, together again
Ohh! The potter wants to put you back together again”

Uncontrollable tears rushed down my ears as I found myself lying face down on the altar. His words pierced my heart, I felt a heavy load in my heart – I needed help. I couldn’t hold myself anymore, it was a strange experience. I could see myself in the mirror of God’s judgment – I was guilty and terribly dirty. All I could do was to cry… I cried my eyes out for mercy. I didn’t know if I was the one in front there but I knew I had an encounter.

As I made efforts to stand up to leave, I saw someone stretch out his hands to help me up. It was Chidi – He was actually the one who ministered through that song. As he raised me up, he said, “Welcome Back Yetunde”, I had long expected your return and so did Jesus because I’ve been praying for you since you entered this campus in year one. I wondered how he knew my name because no one on campus knew my real name except my lecturers but that was no more my worry. Something had changed about me. I could understand the true meaning of love through what Jesus did for me. Slender Queen was now Sis. Yetunde.

Well, that was my story. I no longer hunt for men to kill but move around with the message of love to young girls who were hurt like me. I had to learn to let go off my past, forgive my Dad and move on with a beautiful life ahead of me; though the scars remained indelible – Kayode would always come to mind. Hmmm, I know someone may want to hear about Chidi… (Hahahahaha, I got you)… Well, that nice Chidi is now my beloved husband. We got married 2 years after NYSC and as for Kayode he grew up to love his mum now as a changed person.

Beloved, the potter (Jesus) wants to put your broken pieces back together again. Have you been hurt, heart broken by men or people? Have you lost hope of living? Jesus still gives hope. Lots of lives have been transformed through my broadcasts and yours won’t be an exception.

You could speak to us with 100% confidentiality, trust me – you’ll smile again.

I love you and will always do.

Elijah Chukwudi I.
Impact Life Platform

[Get full episodes and other life transforming articles on my blog:]

Friday 3 August 2018


(Yetunde’s Tales)

Episode 1 (Daddy’s Pain)

Unspeakable joy rent the air as Mum broke the ice with the news of her promotion at work. She was now the new Regional manager of Baker Nile insurance company with head office at Ikeja. It was time to party; everyone filled the air with unreserved smiles and shouts that could pass through the walls to put our next door neighbors into running into our apartment to see what was going on.

Was someone missing in this elated mood of ours? That’s true, mum answered as though she heard the sounds of my heart; where is your Dad she inquired as she walked through the passage into their bedroom to check for her husband.

Honey what is wrong? Aren’t you happy that I was promoted? She asked as she met her husband sitting on the bed worried as though it was sad news. Well, that could be case; to us it was a great news but not to my dad. “Not again Lola, not again” Daddy sighed as he continued. “Well, it’s good for you but do you consider the fact that you have a husband? Or don’t you remember that a man’s need is not only food? When will you have time to meet my emotional needs Lola? After working all day, you come home tired and you expect me to be happy that you were promoted eh? Maybe, you’d be sleeping at the office this time”. Well, congratulations Madam Regional Manager he said as he cynically let out a cheesy smile.

Honey, it’s not like that, please try to understand. I know the new office is far but I believe I should have more time now to attend to the family than before, Mum replied after taking in a deep breath. “You know Yetunde and her brother have to go good schools and we all cannot survive on just your salary.”

With a more mirthless smile mixed with little drops of tears, Dad replied, “Hmmm, I see Mrs. Bread Winner, so it’s because you are privileged to earn more money than I right? You’ve forgotten that I declined so many Job offers I got outside Lagos with mouthwatering salaries just because I wanted to be close to you and the kids…Huh? I see… No challenge, enjoy your new level, I’ll take care of myself.”

Well, I had tip toed behind mum as she walked into their bedroom in search of Dad, so I completely got the full gist as I eavesdropped on them. But that night, I couldn’t really sleep well. My joy had turned sour as I heard dad’s plight. As a young girl in secondary school, I could barely understand, but I knew he was in pain. But, did I really hear, “I’ll take care of myself?” how would he do that? Those words never left my mind as I lay down to sleep.

Episode 2 (Daddy’s Secret – My pain)

Days fled into weeks and everything seemed so normal in the house again until this beautiful afternoon. I had come home from visiting my friend and was expecting Dad at home. Walking through the sitting room to my room, I noticed Dad’s room was half open. Could he have come home by this time of the day? I just hope there’s no problem at work, I said is frightful soliloquy. As I peeped through partly open door, my eye ball almost gorged out of its socket because of the sight I beheld. Dad! I shouted in surprise as my bad dropped on the tiled floor. I ran out in shame to my room as I thought of what I saw. Yes, unbelievable but it was true, my dad was enjoying Porn and Masturbating. Could this be what he meant by taking care of himself? Hot still tears rolled down my chubby cheeks as I ruminated on the sight that filled my thoughts.

The day was almost breaking as the rooster had begun to announce the arrival of a new day. As usual mum had just left the house so as to beat Lagos traffic and get to the new office which was very far from home. She had to might up with the challenges of the new position, so work, work and work was all that occupied her mind. Still in my lying position trying to get over the gory sight of the previous day, I had the squeaky noise of my room door and the almost silent footsteps of someone gaining entrance into my room. “Korede, is that you?” Thinking it was by brother trying to play his usual pranks on me but I knew he was in boarding school. Then closer and closer the person and then sat on bed, by this time though the room was dark, I could see through the twilight permeating my room. It was Dad. What has he come to do in my dark room? I wondered as I sat up on my bed.

“Yetunde, I came to speak to you about what you saw yesterday. I didn’t want it to be an open discussion, that’s why I came to your room by this time” Dad narrated his pitiable experience with mum and explained he could do that to “ease off” – he said. I felt very sorry for him because I had loved my dad so much as a growing up girl.

Well, as he spoke he hands were already running through my body. He was silently but gradually caressing my body. Was I feeling something erotic for my dad? I couldn’t just explain. This was my first experience. Gosh! This was crazy… No, this was not happening… “No, please Dad stop this, don’t do this to me” I pleaded. I wanted to shout but he was all over me. “Don’t worry it won’t hurt, just be calm you’ll enjoy it, I know you love your dad to help him in need” Daddy said as he gently but eventually broke through my soft and tender labia folds. It sounded strange but it was true, my dad had broken my hymen.

I felt terrible. An experience I couldn’t explain and hate sharing but it happened. What came over me? How could I? Did this cure Dad’s cravings? Was that the end of my pain … I wished it was, Nah, it was just the beginning of my misery…

Ride along with me as I unveil more in other episodes… (Watch this space for more soon)

Elijah Chukwudi I.
(Impact Life Platform)

Thursday 2 August 2018



Episode 1
Friday night met them exhausted and tired from the day’s hustle. They seem to have been sapped of so much energy that it could be clearly displayed on their foreheads. Tosin could barely wait to have a warm shower; he hurriedly took his dinner, and without further ado, grabbed the sheets and drove off in his limo to Disney island like a semi-dead man in deep sleep. “Hmm, he even forgot to kiss me goodnight or conduct the night devotion before he slept” Dammy, his beautiful caring wife sighed.

The night was cold and really dark. Full of sudden fear and tension as the smiling warmth experienced by the sun gradually gave way for the frightening dark frown of the night with the moon no way in sight. The trees around their one-storey bungalow swung their leaves following the wind’s command making that terrifying sound blending with the quirk noise produced by nocturnal birds that even adults dread. Dammy had lost her sleep. Her day wasn’t funny for her combining house chores and work together, not leaving her six months pregnancy that did not allow smiles out of her chubby cheeks. Her fatigue and uneasiness climbed a higher peach in worse experience as her hubby who ought to have been her solace left her unattended. “What was actually happening? She couldn’t understand, could this labour pain? No, it can’t be, I’m only 24 weeks into this journey”. Dammy exhaled as she panted for breath. This was really unbearable.

Her loud shouts of Aye mi o! Honey help me, I am dying o! broke the silence of this dreadful night and tusk Tosin out of his dream land into reality. Dammy was already releasing red fluid from her body. “Ahh! This is just not happening again, what I have done to deserve this?” were Tosin’s words as he rushed to get the car keys while yet in his PJ. Tension had greeted the air as the electricity distribution company aided the tragic drama by putting out the power supply amidst this whole pandemic scene as though it was a planned deal to frustrate the peace of this beautiful home.

Holding her carefully with the assistance of a lighting source, Tosin put her in their Toyota Camry car. No sooner did the car roar to life, that Tosin pressed on the accelerator in frightful haste moving them to a nearby hospital. Emergency, Nurse Emergency! Tosin cried out as he beckoned on the medical personnel on the night shift to attend to his beloved Dammy.

Episode 2
Holding her hands to gently the nicely arrayed staircase of St. Mark’s hospital, Tosin led his best half into the reception. It was just one year after their honeymoon and the new experience of love was greeted with sudden pain.

In a quick succession, Dammy was placed on some intravenous fluids, normal saline and oxygen to resuscitate her failing breath. “You may have to stay here sir” one of the nurses beckoned on Tosin as they rolled Dammy into the theatre. “Oh God, Please save my Dammy, she’s all I’ve got. I can’t afford to lose her or our long baby, please Lord intervene” Tosin cried out in desperation and fear with his head bowed in grief.

Some hours had passed and Tosin had fallen asleep on the couch in the reception. A tap from Dr. Ken [the doctor handling Dammy’s case] restored him from his dream world. He wore a face that was difficult to predict the state of the words that would follow. “Please tell me everything is alright now, tell me she is fine now, please Doctor” Tosin said as he cleared his sleepy eyes while taking a firm grip on the doctor’s dress. “Mr Tosin, emm, you just have to calm down and be a man. Whatever has happened to your wife is not strange or new to us” [hot tears were already dripping down Tosin’s cheeks like a little lad as he heard those words]. “Sir, you have to put yourself together, I haven’t said anything yet to arouse those precious tears. Well, your wife is still alive but I’m afraid she’s got Bacterial Vaginosis, it’s an STI (sexually transmitted infection) that affects the uterus and total body system if not detected and handled early.

Coincidentally, its effect is more disastrous to ladies especially during pregnancy. The only way to save her life at this point is to get rid of the baby since it’s resulting in multiple complications even at 24 weeks of her pregnancy. So do we have your permission to go ahead sir? Mr. Tosin was already lost in thoughts. He was a bit relieved that his wife was still alive but something did not go down well with him. STI? How come? Where? When? His thoughts went so wild and wide. He didn’t know whether to blame Dammy for infidelity since he thought he did not have it, at least no visible signs. “Mr. Tosin” – Dr. Ken tapped again, when he discovered he wasn’t responding after several seconds of his question. Are you Ok?
Slowly with heaviness in his lips, Tosin replied, “Yes sir,  you can go on with the procedure, provided my wife will be safe”

The couple (Tosin & Dammy) had really fascinated about their expectant new baby. They both played and joked over how the baby would look like and who it would resemble more. This pregnancy brought lots of joy in their home as it was the only one that has lasted up to 24 weeks after several miscarriages.

Those thoughts were now like a mist driven by the wind beclouded with this new evil. “How did she get this STI? Ah! After all the innocence she played on me. So she has been pretending all these time? Kai, this is not fair, women are the same after all” Tosin mumbled in regretful soliloquy with a clinched fist as though he would break a wall.
“He pondered on these thoughts for some minutes before his earthly tabernacle demanded rest, so he slept off once again on the reception couch. What would he do to Dammy when she recovers?...

Stay tuned for episode 3… reply next to get the next episodes…



This subject matter has brought lots of controversies between my medical friends/colleagues and I. Howbeit, I would love to point out from this article that sleep does not only refer to when a man is physically unconscious and in a place or time of rest but there is more to it. I would explain this in several perspectives.

Sleep is a state of unconsciousness unto which many destinies have sunk and drowned in unfulfillment. Sleep is a state of being powerless or lazy to move or act. It is the death bed of many destinies. Anyone who consciously chose the path of sleep is treading on a contrary pathway to his destiny. Anyone who sleeps when he ought to be awake and working is writing an invitation to his failure.  A man who sleeps loses control of his destiny; he is no longer in charge but ruled by circumstances and other people. Sleepers always fall prey to life’s circumstances because they weren’t active when they should have.

Many great destinies have drowned in the mire of sleep and some others have been stolen in their state of unconsciousness. The mind is the most active part of the human body and the greatest form of sleep is that of the mind - Physical awake but mentally and spiritually asleep. No great destiny is fulfilled on the bed of sleep, laziness and inaction. It is good, you have a great vision but there is a thief always with you waiting to steal it away if you give him room - now that is sleep.

Now, you must have known this calculation too well, that given 24 hours in a day we have an average 720 hours in a month (by 30 days) and 8760 hours in a year. So if you are 30 years old now, you have spent 262, 800 hours already.  This implies that if you sleep 8 hours a day, you spend 2920 hours in a year and 87600 hours in 30 years; that is you spent 10 good years of your life sleeping. Is this not alarming? So then I ask myself, what have done with my life that 10 years are already spent in sleep.

Now, don’t get me wrong, sleep is very good for the body, I can attest to that but do not sleep on your visions and dreams.
Before we proceed further, let us really describe what this sleep is all about.

For the purpose of this series (part 1), we’ll be considering just one aspect of this sleep.
This can also be said to be inaction, not willing or too lazy to act. This is one big area of sleep. Sleep here also is having a dream of vision without a drive.  Rev Newman said, “Every dream that lacks a drive will be drowned”. Sleep is having faith or a big vision without action. Sleep is having beautiful ideas without corresponding implementation. It is taking a strong decision with a corresponding action. Many of us having got beautiful ideas yet they lie in the dream state. God told Jeremiah,”Do not say, I am but a child” – Jer.   Many who ought to be great ended up following others to their destiny fulfillment living theirs fallow.

Beloved, have you got an idea from the Lord? Then get up, don’t sit praying alone, move out and do something, only then will God orders your steps to the right persons. Enough of your sleep mode, it is time to arise; it is time to awake from slumber. Procrastination is the son of sleep and both are destiny killers. They steal time and in turn steal your life because life is measured in time. The greatest currency on earth is time, so use this time now to buy your greatness. Continuous sleep invites the foe of failure.  A man who sleeps gives up his destiny without knowing. Sleep takes up what is in your hand without stress. It is a friendly foe; do not give him more access. It is full of pleasure but makes a fool of anyone who misuses it. In I Kings 3:20, we how the destiny [child] of a woman was exchange at the point of sleep.

Friend, you have given this thief enough of your time and life. It is time to arise, defeat him by taking some steps backed up with your faith. You are the master of your fate. Awake now!

[We shall continue in the next episode on this series… let’s keep in touch.]

I Love you…

Elijah Chukwudi I.
Impact Life Platform
+234 7030226358


(I wish I could be young again)

Flipping through my pictures, old memories came alive in my mind and I could vividly have handy those adventurous experiences that almost ruined my youthful age. Very few were beautiful and most of the others were full of regret. The pain of my teenage folly had a firm grip on my heart; I had played all my cards and have none left as I write. I could only wish for a rewind of the hand of the clock, so I could make better judgments and take more intrinsic decisions.

Before I press further, my name is Teju Oluwatosin from the western part of Nigeria. I grew up in a Christian home with my father as a priest of the Baptist Church in Akure. I joined the religious rituals of my family, attended church and grew up to become an active member of the youth department of the church but it was mere tradition without an experience of salvation (even though my parents thought I was). Usual with many young people in my shoes, I played some “hide and seek” games with girls in my church, had sex occasionally and enjoined the view of pornography anytime I had the opportunity to do so.

Gaining admission into the tertiary institution became an access to a world of lustful freedom for me as I totally every sense of morality left in me. When brethren from the fellowship came to preach the gospel to me, I would shock them with the number of Bible quotations I had in my head and end up by telling them, “YOU SEE, I HAVE BEEN BORN AGAIN FROM BIRTH”; but I knew sincerely, I was living in deceit. When they paid persistent visits in a bid to drag me to fellowship, I drove them away.
Because I was a handsome young man, who had excellent oratory power, I could sweep a lady off her feet with my sugar-coated tongue in 10 minutes, hence I changed girls frequently like I would do to an handkerchief. At some point in my third year, I had 10 girl friends at once who were all pleased to be called the girl friend of one of the popular guys on campus. Shortly after my first semester exams in 3rd year, I became a sex addict and went into taking alcohol. I couldn’t sleep until I had sex or drank alcohol at least once in two days, yet it didn’t seem to me like I was treading the wide path of death. Many of my girl friends gladly had abortions for me and we all enjoyed the game.

Funny enough, as it were I was still coming tops in my class, that I even won two oil company scholarships to my name. This made my parents so proud of me but I knew all was not so well with me. So full of pride, I refused coming out to surrender to Jesus whenever I attended church at home after school, since I was the church boy they all knew. Somehow, I perceived the Lord wanted to use me for his purpose but I wouldn’t give in. I got married later in my thirties (not to any of my girl friends as you would imagine), yet I was not free from this firm grip of sin. I continued in my dirty games (unknown to my wife) and deflowered many teen girls, lured them to committing countless abortions (sponsoring them of course). My wife was a devout Christian (don’t ask me how), so having discovered my dirty lifestyle years into our marriage, never ceased to pray fervently for my genuine salvation and deliverance.

I finally had an encounter with the Lord one cold dark night in my room and I could clearly hear the Lord pleading, “Teju, for how long? Why will you die in sin, why do you choose to end like this?” I was broken and in tears I surrendered to Jesus. As I write this beloved, my hand is heavy, my eyes full of tears and with a very sharp pain in my heart. I got a new life flowing through me howbeit, my joy didn’t seem complete. I am already 50 years of age, and sitting down at my reading table, I wrote in block letters, “I WISH I COULD BE YOUNG AGAIN”.
Beloved, don’t wait till you have gray hairs before you come out of that secret sin and emptiness of life to live for Jesus. Of course, God just spared my life because many of my old friends did not live as long as I am now, they died in riotous living without encountering Jesus. I wish I could young again, so I can have a clean record, win souls for God and impact many lives rather than destroy lives through my life. Alas! That is not possible except if you will take up the challenge today to make the right decision.

Life is all about choices and decisions; you can make the right decision to follow Jesus now! I have been living on retroviral drugs since I was 35 because I got infected with HIV during one of my escapades. Unfortunately, my faithful wife died last year from the same disease which I made her bear. “Oh, how I loved her like my own soul”.

I wish my evening tears can make a change in your life as you read it today. Life without Jesus is without meaning. I may not reach out many more lives on foot anymore because of my health condition, but I pray my writing does. Share this with a friend, it could share a soul. It is not too late to make the right decision.

I love you from my heart.

[If you need help or counsel in anyway, please contact the publishers of impact life platform, we are just a phone call or SMS away]

Elijah Chukwudi I.
+234 7030226358
(Calls, SMS or WhatsApp)



Episode 1

It was the dawning of a Monday morning and just like every other day; the rays of sun had began to smile on the cold dark morning increasing its warmth and active mood. Vehicles had also began to greet each other with various sounds of horn giving rise to an unwelcomed cacophony that disturbed the peace of the quiet morning, waking up everyone who may have chosen to take some more dose of sleep – the usual rush of a Monday morning had just began.

Howbeit, amidst all these, Dave was still in bed, holding tight to the sheets, staying glued to his pillow as though to sniff life out of its inanimate body. Dave was engaged to beautiful and charming Kesha (his heart throb) whose glowing beauty and appearance was enough to cause an accident to a driver who may want to steadily peer through his mirror in consistent gaze of her.  Wedding was fixed for the next four (4) months and everyone preparation was on top gear. Both were committed members of a renowned Pentecostal church in Lagos and virtually everyone looked forward to their union as man and wife. They were the envy of many younger youths who also looked up to them as role models. But here comes the irony…

Dave and Kesha got so attracted to each other, that illicit and erotic talks stood paramount in all their discussions especially on WhatsApp. They eventually but secretly began to meet occasionally during weekends to have some fun and enjoy the food of the marriage bed before it was done. This however did not go down well with Dave as he always struggled and went back crying to God for mercy after each erotic escapade. He felt remorse and angry with himself each time it repeated but sincerely he loved Kesha from his heart and here he was not able to resist her ambience and juicy sop. No doubt, he had heard from God clearly and confirmed her as God’s will for him through so many sources but as it were was got so gripped in the thoughts of her smooth caress, succulent touch and sexy eyes. She was also a believer but couldn’t see herself escaping some erotic moments with him. “How could I have come to this point?” He’d always ask himself. He knew it wasn’t right meeting with her before official marital rites were performed but just couldn’t resist each other’s body. This went on severally for a long time even before wedding date was fixed, yet unknown to the church because they held them in high esteem and trust and revered them as unto mature Christian leaders which others look up to.

Episode 2

This Sunday night, they had another episode of erotic ecstasy and fun filled sex in Dave’s house. Kesha had gotten up very early before dawn so she could go home and prepare for work. She thought was tired and wanted to have some rest since because of the Sunday stress the previous day, so she allowed him take some more rest. She gave him a goodbye kiss on the forehead and dropped a note by his bed side. It read:

“Hello, my King, I know you must have had a stressful day yesterday after the workers training last night, so I didn’t bother to wake you. Well, just wanted to let you know that last night’s episode was a bomb; it was best ever. I can’t wait to enjoy the full never-ending package as your lawful wedded wife. Kisses… I love you baby. Please, do call me when you wake up, I’d love to hear your sweet voice”.

From your Queen

It was already 10am and Kesha never got any call from her sweetheart. What could have gone wrong? This is unlike him. He never calls anyone else each day until he had spoken with me despite his busy schedules… Hmm! This is not happening to me. ” Kesha said in a sad soliloquy. 4pm was past, yet no sign of his call. She then started calling him severally, yet no one picked up the phone. Worried and full of fear of uncertainty, she stood to go to his office. She asked the secretary and everyone in his immediate office, still there was no trace of him in his office that day and no message was sent to state his absence from work that day.
Strange thoughts began to flood through Kesha’s mind; did he have an accident on his way to work? Or was he trying to play some pranks on me? No, if he did what about his own office? Did he get an urgent from home and forgot his phone in the house and didn’t care to call me? No, the Dave I know can’t do that to me, she concluded. But why is he not picking calls from anyone? Full of weird thoughts and bewilderment, she made her last resort, which was to go check him in the house.

Viam! She drove off to his house, since she had a copy of the keys; she marched angrily straight to his bedroom, as though to catch him in the very act with another lady. Alas! Her thoughts were wrong, she met him at the same position she had left him in the morning firmly glued to his bed. Dave’s body was already cold, stiff and lifeless. He had passed on…

Episode 3

As he found himself standing in front of the man in white, the sight was not strange to him. He knew from the scriptures what follows men after death. Judgment stared him in the face and he already knew his fate. He could still remember vividly the episode of the previous night and deep down in his heart he knew he won’t escape hell. He could still remember all the privileges he had to stop his secret sinful life. The reality of his Christian walk dawned on him; he knew he was an hypocrite. Right there in his despair and tear full eyes, he kept on saying. “I thought I had some more time, Lord please have mercy on me” He cried uncontrollably for mercy and in a moment, these scriptures were read out audibly to him.
“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins” – Heb. 10:26

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” – Rom. 1:18

Ah! This was like a dart pierced through his heart. He knew he was doomed, yet he lifted up his voice and said, “Lord, for the sake of many like me on earth living in hypocrisy, let me go and speak to them, please Lord have mercy!”

Very low but continuously, his cry for mercy from inside the casket brought the burial program to a hold. The pastor wanted to be sure what he heard, and then it followed with a continuous bang from inside the box where he was laid. What could be happening? People asked. Then, with a speed of light, some young men rushed to open the coffin. Shouts of “He is alive, he is alive!” took over the terrain. Dave’s eyes were full of tears rolling down his cheeks as he gradually stood. Beckoning the rejoicing group to a halt with his hands, he said, “Please I have a message”. Gradually, one after the other, many young people, pastors and youths broken with tears filled the podium, making peace with God with a renewed repentance of heart, after his short speech. After he ended, he said, “please don’t be like I was, I thought I had more time to amend my ways, ‘behold now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2b. Then, he fell back and slept.

Behold, our breath as it were is an air that is given to us a privilege and we do not determine when it would be taken. Are you still struggling in sin? Still postponing your day of return to the Lord? You may not have more time – Do it now!

“And the Spirit and the bride say come…” Rev. 22:17

I Love you from my heart, together let’s gladden the heart of our father.

[We can pray with you and offer spiritual assistance to you where necessary, feel free to speak with us!]

With Love from

Elijah Chukwudi I.
Impact Life Platform
+234 7030226358