Saturday 6 August 2016


Sunday 7th August, 2016.

“Then said these men, we shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of God” – Dan.6:5

The real and true disposition of every believer is known in the heat of pressure. At the verge of losing one’s job, family, huge sum of money or even life; will you still hold fast to what you believe? Talk is truly cheap but the reality of true discipleship is portrayed only by those whose minds are made up to live for Jesus. Peter the great leader of the Apostles whom Jesus called the rock, could not stand the ‘little’ test by a mere maid because of the fear of death (though the Holy Spirit has not been released then), Matt. 26:69- 70. In his letter to Titus, Paul said, “they profess that they know God, but in works they deny him…” Titus 1:16. It’s really so easy to announce it, ‘I am a born-again Christian’, even with stickers on our door posts, “Whether you like it or not, I am practicing Christian”, some of us even criticize Peter for denying Jesus three (3) times, but how many times do you deny him weekly in your actions and through your life?
Daniel’s colleagues could not find anything to hold against him except in connection to his faith, yet Daniel did not hide his identity or compromise his lifestyle even when he knows the consequences. He was a man [with flesh and blood] like us. What is more important to you, your job, family, life or your love for God? Jesus asked a question: what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt.16:26). What is it that can separate you from the love of God? Is it hunger, sickness, nakedness, joblessness, shame, etc.? (Rom. 8:35). Jesus went on in Mark 8:35 to say: “For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it”. Can you stake your life, education, job for the sake of Christ? I remember during my SSCE exams, I had made up my mind to stand for God no matter what it would cost me. I was victimized 3 consecutive times (3 years) because I chose not to pay the examination malpractice fee. My mates (even my younger sister) passed me, entered into the university, yet I was still writing SSCE. However, I give glory to God that I stood for Him even all throughout my university days; you too can do same. When you stand for God, he stands up to defend you.

Beloved what are those things that are making you to have a rethink or look back? Remember Lot’s wife! Do you still derive pleasure in eating the ‘cucumbers of Egypt?’ You can overcome, just rely on his grace. “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised) Heb. 10:23. God appeared as the fourth man in the fire to rescue the 3 Hebrew boys, He shut up the mouth of lions for Daniel, and He can do much more for you. Let me conclude with this short story I heard from one my teachers; a young man was preaching in a bus, he never knew a gang of robbers were in that bus. After he was done preaching, the robbers stood up, forced a young girl in that bus (at gun point) to completely undress, and asked this preacher to have sex with her openly. The man of God must have thought of his family, life, ministry, etc. and felt [like many of us] that he would confess afterwards. He succumbed because he wanted to save his life, he slept with the girl but unfortunately for him, the robbers shot him dead after the act and told him, “Go to hell Pastor”. Ah! What a loss!
Will you make the heart of Jesus glad today? You can’t afford to mortgage your life after all your years here on earth. Jesus rewards his faithful servants both here on earth and hereafter. His grace is available for you.
You shall be celebrated!
See you at the top!

Your Brother
Elijah Chukwudi I.
IMPACT Life Platform
(Media Arm of Restored Heart Foundation)

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